Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Bob Ayers - The Ugliest American Rides again...

What exactly is it with this guy?  Recently Ayers was in the news again for his moronic  remarks about Andrew Brietbart.  Ayers had the audacity to call the recently deceased Brietbart a "bomb thrower" of all things.  I am just guessing here, but in my opinion Ayers was trying to be cute.  Problem is there is absolutely nothing 'cute' about this guy.

Ayers spent many years as a domestic terrorist making real bombs for the Weather Underground.  He has never felt the need to apologize or repent for his past. He has been linked to President Obama in many ways and it is a good idea to 'vett' our President's association with Mr. Ayers before the November election.

How close were Obama and Ayers?  Well, its not like they were friends or anything.  President Obama launched his political career in Ayers' living room, the Obama's and the Ayers' babysat each others children and often had meals together.  Michelle Obama worked in the same law firm as Bill Ayers wife, Bernadine Dohrn at Sidley Austin where  Barack Obama was also an intern. Robert Ayers and Barack Obama also served on a committee together but....wait a moment, they do sound pretty much like friends don't they?

In his defense President Obama said  "..the notion that somehow as a consequence of me knowing somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago, when I was eight years old, somehow reflects [sic] on me and my values doesn't make much sense."  But it was in 2001 that unrepentant terrorist and certified cretin Ayers tread on an American flag in the infamous photo depicting this despicable act (seen here

But in all fairness a lot of Presidents have hung out with guys who hated America.  There was President umm, hmmm, appears President Obama is the only one I can think of. 

You have to ask yourself "Why on earth did President Obama get away with this?" "How was he ever elected with such an association being known?"  The answer plain and simple is racism.  Yes, that ugly word and all it's ugly connotations.  It was made to appear as if the only individuals who would dare question the relationship between our soon to be President and a known unrepentant (can use that word enough) terrorist who tried to kill Americans just like Al Qaeda has tried and done were racists.

What was the connection between racism and questioning President Obama's association with this slug?  Simple - there was none.  So patriotic Americans (you know, the kind that don't like to see the flag stomped on and all that) were made to look like fools, and worse - racist fools.

Hopefully patriots today can shake of the shame of false allegations of racial prejudiced and not feel the need to apologize about being angry when some one desecrates the flag.  If the only thing that President Obama was guilty of was (in the words of Sarah Palin) "palling around" with this guy - that in and of it's self should be enough to remove him from the highest office in this land.  God please if I am not right in anything else, let me be right in this.


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