Thursday, June 7, 2012

Don't Eat the Cheese!!!

I was browsing the Briebart "Big" Sites the other day when I was drawn to a headline that I knew had to be a joke - but I was stuck for a punchline.

Surely the portion of the American public who follows politics closely (a number that is quickly growing) is far beyond the saturation point when it comes to stories or jokes about Democratic candidate for Senator Elizabeth Warren.  It is difficult to blame the media for reporting on them however as face it Warren with her claims of an American Indian bloodline has made herself a very easy target.

But here was a story about Bob Shrum a political consultant who definitely leans to the left and his wacky assertion that reporting on "Elizabeth Warren's phony claims of Native American ancestry is a form of "race baiting"".

You probably wouldn't blame me if my initial reaction to this story was to laugh uproariously - and I confess, I did.  But it didn't take but a moment or two for the deeper implications of this story to hit home.

It would be easy to pass off Shrum as an aberration and his viewpoint as......well, as deranged.  But to do so would be to miss the larger point.  Apparently the Democratic party has settled upon a strategy that amounts to calling ANYONE who challenges ANY position of ANY Democratic party candidate a - you guessed it - racist.

No doubt we have grown accustomed to the race baiting that takes place almost daily across the nation on TV networks such as MSNBC which has even gone so far as to provide Al Sharpton (a notorious race baiter from way back) with his own show.

It is easy to see that the litmus test for news worthy in this country involves color - color as in race.  Witness George Zimmerman a guy who probably always thought he was Hispanic only to be told that he is (of all things) a 'white' Hispanic.

There is an old saying that when your only tool is a hammer, everything starts looking like a nail.  So it is with race.  Race is now the one and only weapon of the left, so they struggle to find a place to inject it into each and every conversation.

And who can blame them?  After all this strategy worked.  Witness the early days of the Obama administration.  Imagine a hypothetical conversation between a conservative and a liberal:

Note:  For purposes of this article, please assume the Conservative is a Caucasian, or an African American or a Hispanic - it really doesn't matter.  African American's who dislike one of the President's programs are told that they 'are not really black' or worse yet 'not authentically black' which probably serves as a real surprise to the rest of their family. with charges of being a racist, no matter W-herman-cain-is-authentically-black/

Conservative:  I'm concerned about this stimulus package, do you think....

Liberal:  Of course your concerned! Racist, Racist, Racist!! Hating the idea of a Black President, you Racist you!!!

The left went so far as to say that the ONLY reason Barack Obama would not win the election in 2008 was - you guessed it - racism. H  At this point it was plain and simply, racism had won. Conservatives were left to watch their every deed and word, and so since ANYTHING they said or did was racist, they simply decided not to say or do anything.  Alas nothing could please the race-batters more.

Because that is what these race-baiters are trying to achieve.  Silence from the right. After all no one wants to be branded a racist.  The dreaded racist label once adhered to you is extremely difficult to remove.  After all, it does not even require you to have said or done anything remotely racist - today you may be guilty of using racist 'code words' or 'dog whistles' that you are unaware of as 'code-words' or 'dog whistles'.  That's right, racism has finally become a thought crime.

As much as it does not matter what you say or think, nor does it matter when you display behavior that is decidedly not racist - such as being married to a member of the race that you are supposed to be all racist about as was the case when Brietbart's Joel Pollak was accused of being a racist while debating Soledad O'brien apparently the member's of the panel where unaware that Pollak was married to a beautiful African American woman, but odds are good that it would not have mattered had they known as they would have argued that his wife was 'not authentically black'.

And it is only going to get worse.  Look at the examples of racism in the recent recall of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, and you don't have to look far to find the race baiters.  Ed Schultz (another MSNBC guy) had Jesse Jackson (famous race-baiter) on his show and Jackson compared Governor Walker to George Wallace a former racist politician  Rather than deploying the race card when all else has failed, the new strategy is to utilize the race card first, and keep screaming RACISM!! until someone believes you.

What can you do?  Ignore the race-baiters and their bait.  Liberals will try to convince you that any thought of reeling in Food Stamps (for instance) is racist.  Never mind the 80% rise in Food Stamp claims since Obama took office.  Is it racist to want government programs to only assist those who truly need it?  Of course not.  Occupiers will scream and holler about the right's attacks on Medicare, never mind the fact that Obamacare (not really approved by that many Republicans) is set to wreck ruin on Medicare

Just remember, pointing out facts to Liberals has never and will never work.  Don't feel frustrated about it, things have always been that way and they although for the most part they show little sign of changing, there is hope.  What is heartening to see is the number of African American's who have left the Democratic plantation and are yearning for a government that represents them, rather than makes them victims.  Are these African American's racist?  No their not, and the odds are good that neither are you.


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